Should Kids Have Powerful Gaming Computers?
3 min readNov 20, 2020

Powerful computers back up businesses all around the globe. The new technology that companies like AMD, Intel, and Nvidia are literally the future and would quite be unhealthy for the upcoming generations to be left out. The truth is that playing games through PCs is not the same experience as playing games on a console. Event with releases like the Playstation 5, everyone is switching over to PC, especially kids.

The computer doesn’t just have to be for gaming. That doesn’t mean skimp out on decent hardware, but it means that kids can use theircomputer to pursue some sort of online career, schoolwork, browsing the web and learning new things. It entirely depends on what they want to use it for. Buying a powerful gaming computer with a better budget should be the aim of any parent who wants to buy a powerful gaming PC for their kids.


  • Gaming in this modern society is no longer a hobby or a fun game to play and stop. Nowadays, some companies employ children to test the new games according to the challenges set to be beaten. There are gaming competitions that give the winner as much as $10,000 just for playing and winning.
  • Also, gaming improves the child’s ability to solve problems in today’s life; the games broaden their minds and keep them focused during childhood. But still, the decision lies to the parent whether to buy or whether to let it slide.


  • Think about it as a recurring expense as anyone who knows enough to want that high-end quality will need replacing maybe every 18 months to a couple of years.
  • Respectfully suggest you think more about the harm those incredibly violent games may do to him psychologically and why he may become so addicted to them and potentially neglect education.
  • Some of those so-called “Gamers” really are a little off, and if I’m not mistaken, it’s starting to be realized as a form of addiction when done to excess.
  • A powerful computer (which is most likely to be expensive) will also be completely obsolete within a few years. This means that a parent who wants such a system for their children must look for ways to decrease cost while also not compromising the value of the PC.

With decent hardware, a child can learn video editing, graphic designing, desktop publishing, and he may join some online courses (if it interests them). They will game on it (that’s what gaming pcs are meant for in the first place), and he can be one of the most popular game streamers. Plus, they will learn so much about the world of computers (CPU, overclocking, assembling, etc.).

All in all, it is not a really bad thing for parents to buy a powerful gaming system for their children because of the great advantage that are associated. All they have to do is make sure that everything is fine, just limit usage sessions (which should not exceed 2 hours).



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