Can Consoles Compete with eSports?
3 min readSep 27, 2020

With the advent of PC gaming, many people are still a bit confused on which to choose (console vs pc). Both choices have their advantages, but one is a better gaming option than the other on a broad scale. By looking at their benefits, we can deduce which is better for playing eSports.

Advantages of Consoles

It is easier to play eSports through consoles than on PC

That is the only advantage console gaming has over PC gaming. You buy the console, you buy a game, you plug it in, and you play. It just works. Nothing could be more comfortable, and this remains the console’s most significant and only real reason for existing. People want convenience, and most people can do something the easy way they will do it that way, taking the path of least resistance.

The Advantages of PC Gaming

Most people think that PC gaming is more expensive than console gaming. This is false, although it is incredibly deceptive at face value. Consoles have a $400-$500 price tag or so. Most people, when building or buying a gaming PC, will spend at least $1,000. Often more. That looks like a giant price gap, but there are two main things to consider.

First, if you build a PC with similar power and graphical capabilities as a contemporary console, you’ll find that the cost is not that far off. You can build a PC (just the PC, no TV, or monitor) with decent gaming capabilities at $500. This is no exaggeration, and while it is a compromise, today, if you build such a machine, it would be capable of graphical quality at around the level of an Xbox One or PS4. That sounds wrong, but it isn’t. Many benchmark sites around the net can prove this and come up with rigs that can churn out 30–60fps at 1080p at medium to low settings, which is pretty much what a PS4 can do with modern games. So no, you are not getting any cost savings on consoles.

eSports is More Accessible on PCs than on Consoles
PC has way more games. In fact, there are entire genres left out of the console, simply because they can’t be played.

PCs Have more Graphical Power
Consoles, like it or not, have minimal graphical power. While they aren’t always, PCs can be much more powerful than consoles. This allows for higher framerates. You always want to have a higher framerate than your display can handle. Also, in a professional competitive environment, you want as much performance as possible. PCs have the advantage of hugely powerful hardware as well as many custom accessories to help a professional get as much performance out of their machine as possible. On PC, you can have much higher refresh rates, high refresh rate monitors, programmable mice, etc. You don’t have as many choices on a console.

While consoles are excellent gaming options, but the truth is that more and more eSports are being adapted into the PC gaming environment because of its numerous advantages.

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